Saturday, February 7, 2015

2014... Baby story

Okay I know it's been a while and my last post was about starting to work out and get healthier... Well that flopped because little did I know when I posted that I was pregnant and due November 8! I can't even believe it now but a couple weeks after that post we found out we were expecting a little angel to join our family :)

When I found out I was overjoyed as I haven't been on birth control ever and thought I would get pregnant much closer to when I got married in 2011. From there the year flew by getting mentally prepared to have a baby, going to the doctor every 4 weeks, and getting everything we could possibly need for her. We did get to have some other excitement also... I graduated from the U of U with my Bachelors degree and we went on a vacation to California to visit my aunt Kathy, but this post is about the Baby journey.

Since we told our parents the day I took the pregnancy test (we were a little excited) we decided to tall the great grandparents in a special way...

They would always ask us when we were going to have a baby and we kept telling them it would happen when it happened and they were overjoyed! 

June 23, 2014
When we went in to find out the gender we asked the doctor to keep it secret so we could find out with our friends and family. We did our best to look away from the screen when the technician was checking the gender and we had her put the ultrasound photo in an envelope... but the doctor slipped up and we had to pretend we didn't know lol. We both wanted to have a girl and even had the name Arya Lynn picked out for a couple years now. 

This is the party we had a chalkboard for guesses and some candy guessing games.

We also had pink and blue punch, and treats for everyone along with a BBQ.

After this party time flew by, I don't even know what happened lol. We had a couple baby showers, worked, school stated back up for Brady, and we waited for me to pop. 

So my mom had each of us way early, as in a couple weeks, so I was expecting to pop before Halloween. Halloween came and went and /I'm bummed that I didn't make fun plans to dress up for it. then my due date came and still no baby... passing your due date sucks FYI! I took a picture of myself on November 11th...

... STILL pregnant. That night I started having cramps that caused me to not sleep and on the 12th I went into labor at 3pm. I didn't know they were contractions till probably 6 that night and asked my Facebook friends when I should go to the hospital. Many said right now, and I was stubborn and waited. Soon I was screaming and crying and at 9pm we went to labor and delivery! They monitored me for an hour and that was the LONGEST hour ever, I was screaming and Brady thought I was going to break off the side rails of the bed. Finally I was admitted and got the epidural which was awesome minus the terrible case of uncontrollable shakes. Now it was waiting time... Arya made her grand arrival at 4:45 am.

I have to say having her was a breeze since I had absolutely no feeling from my tummy down lol. I was super surprised also that she came out clean... most babies are covered in the icky white stuff... not this girl! She was 7 pounds 13 ounces and had a perfectly round head (and still does). We got to do skin-to-skin time and she got to breastfeed for the first time and she was a pro and still is (going on 3 months now no bottles or formula). 
This is the day we went home November 15
                                 This is 9 days after I had Arya, I actually weighed less then I did before I found out I was pregnant.

Thanksgiving and Christmas were crazy and fun, and I'm glad that she was still in her little tiny sleepy mode for most of it, We blessed her on December 28th she wore the same dress I was blessed in and had a huge turn out! 
This is me

This is Arya
There is quite a resemblance between me and her even though she looks just like Brady and her skin is darker then mine and his. I can't wait till she has more hair, she doesn't even have enough to do the little curl that my mom did on mine lol. 

Quite an exciting journey we have had with this little person and we love her so much more then we could have ever imagined, I just can't wait to see what this year has to offer :D.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Work out Flop...

So I guess working out isn't going as well as I though...
We made it through a week and a half and then started having things come up and now we are back to being too busy with homework. I'm hoping tomorrow we can start up again and I am thinking two of these workouts for the rest of the week so that we make up for the two missed days. I am also planning on going for a walk this afternoon after our new internet get's installed.

How do you keep up your working out when it feels like you have to motivate your husband to join you? I don't like working out alone but Brady doesn't like the time it takes to work out and shower and get back to his homework. I feel like we are going to be stuck in a rut where we will go strong a few days and then flop again and have more days where we are not working out then we have working out. Any advice is welcome!

Here is my motivation to not give up because it is so true!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Getting Fit!

I have decided that it has been a long time since I last blogged anything and I have been inspired by a couple friends to start a fitness blog in hopes of getting more encouragement to keep it up.

So here are the "dirty" details of my weight... I have gained about 50 pound since me and Brady stated dating, 10 by the time we got married and the last of it over the last year and a half as we have been mostly sedentary doing homework. I went from 183 pounds to 232 and have lost a some already (about 4 pounds) by not drinking soda more then once a week and attempting to work out. We are trying to do a program called T25 which only requires 25 minutes a day 6 days out of the week. Two weeks ago we made it through 2 days, last week we did 3, and so far this week we have done 2 and I feel like this is our week! Yesterday we started, so we missed Monday but I'm okay with that as it was a really busy day, and we took our measurements so we can keep track of our loss.

Here is my starting picture that I took yesterday after we worked out and I will post a weekly picture of my progress in hopes that I will see a difference:

I hope to be able to get back down to a healthy weight and help my husband lose weight also. I have been wanting to have kids for a while (my goal was by 25 and I am now 26) and it has just not happened and I feel weight is a huge factor in that and I do not have health insurance at the moment to find out the real reason. 

Along with our exercise program we are trying to eat healthier and as I find awesome healthy recipes I will be sure to share them for any who are looking for easy healthy recipes as I am all for easy. 

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Moving on...

Okay so I realize my last post was childish, but whatever we all have those moment.

So I came to a realization tonight that I miss having a social life, we hung out with friends tonight which doesn't happen nearly enough... we're pretty anti social. I mean considering the last time we had friends here it was the goof troop who decided to bring a ps3 and since Brady's rule is no ps3 on his projector they brought a TV and played in the kitchen. Pretty pathetic I know so tonight we went to leatherbys for Laura's celebration of joblessness, then went to her house after. Even though we just sat and talked and enjoyed each others company for an hour and a half it was ridiculously fun, and time flew. Moral of the story is I now have a goal to hang out with friends more often :).

Since Brady isn't is school we have started sleeping in and look forward to dinner time the very most. We decided that since we don't have jobs right now that it's not a bad thing... I know that sounds backwards since you need to work to live, but we have a new way to think about things. Brady is pre-med and only has a year left before I never see him because of the demands of med school. I think that we are very luck to be able to spend so much time together right now as newly weds. We spend like every second of the day together, we get to cook, work out, play games, watch shows, go on dates, and spend time with our families and not many people can do that. I am grateful that I get this time with him now since it will be med school and eventually kids getting in the way of times like this.

So on to other new happenings Brady was ordained an elder two weeks ago! One step closer to the temple so I have been thinking...  Our wedding photography ended up being less than expected, we didn't get much of what we expected including pictures of just me and Brady. We got a few good pics but not really anything we wanted so for our temple day I've decided we're getting all dressed up new dress for me suit for him and having a professional photographer. I feel like before the wedding when I was all excited about wedding plans, I think it's a big deal that we're getting sealed especially since we have come so far.

We also recently got chinchillas that we names Harley Quinn and  Rockstar. Part of the reasoning for getting pets is to help some of the baby hunger subside since it seams like everyone is getting pregnant lately and we are definitely not ready for that. I have two favorite things every day... One is to cook dinner and eat with Brady, the other is to let our babies out to play. These guys are so freakin funny sometimes cuz they think they can jump farther then possible and end up crashing. They are also super bad like little kids that get into things because you tell them no, Harley loves the kitchen but we don't want her in there since we can't see her. So now it is her number one goal to get past any obstacles that we place in her way... it's a pain! I wish I had funny pics to post, but I don't so when I get that chance to take any I will probably end up sharing them with all of you.


Saturday, January 21, 2012

How I am where I am today :)

Alright since blogging has been turned into a bit of high school drama I figured I would post my side of a story that I found to be way too high school drama. 

In high school I dated many different guys who not only dated me but also dated many girls... seeing how this was high school it was pretty normal to not settle down with just one person. At the end of my senior year there was one guy in particular that I was with and eventually was with for almost 4 year and planned on getting married to. He (Steven) had a lot of girlfriends one of which he didn't even break up with for a year into our relationship and I do not remember her name at this time. So the reason I am posting this story is because Melissa Carmean (or as she refers to me as the "x" best friend). Honesty just get over it, he wanted to be with me, we grew apart and he ended up marrying you. Why is it then hat I am the bad guy in this story? I was not wrong in choosing to be with him, if anyone should be mad at someone it would be the guy who started all the drama... shouldn't it? Should I have lost a lot of good friends over a high school crush? 

Anyways... back to my title of how I am where I am today. After high school I went to Westminster College and failed miserably so I followed Steven up to USU. USU was fun but this is where I realized that this guy I was in love with acted ashamed to be with me. Maybe its because of thing we had done that weren't really okay but we never hung out with our "friends" up there because he would tell them I wasn't interested. I found this odd and luckily we moved back home in hopes for a new start with the familiar. I went to SLCC the next year and took a dance class where I met Brady (who is now my husband). During that semester me and Steven broke up a few times and each time I turned to Brady... I even found that I liked Brady but when I got back together with Steven those feeling just got pushed away. After a year and a half I felt like I was falling more for Brady and that me and Steven were turning into siblings. So here is where I am the bad guy in Melissa's story... I cheated on Steven and waited to tell him when me, him, Brady, and my mom were in Las Vegas for a convention. I was planning on telling him when we got home to reduce awkwardness on the trip but he read one little text from Brady which said "your perfume is driving me crazy" and it was all downhill with Steven and uphill for me and Brady. We got home from Vegas a couple days later and Steven got his stuff from my house and that was that, and me and Brady fell in love. He proposed to not even two months after this whole debacle and I have not regretted any of it. Not all relationships work out and sometimes we don't know that till we grow up. I grew a lot from my first boyfriend ever to now I don't think that makes me a bad person, forgive and forget. Me and Steven even consider each other friends to an extent, he even forgave Brady. So if anyone has a problem with anything I have done I already know that you do, so just let it be because we are no longer in high school.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The proposal... 10/07/2010

Thursday went just like any normal day of the week. Woke up, went to class, worked out at the gym, and went home to wait for Brady to be out of class. But this day was about to turn extraordinary! Around 6:00pm I picked up Brady to take him out to dinner, we went to Olive Garden and it was very tasty! When we finished eating we went to dance class where we are helping out the teacher kinda like T.A.'s. Toward the end of class Brady left to go to the bathroom and he was gone for longer then usual but I didn't think anything of it at the time. When he came back I saw him outside the door and I could tell something was up... He was wearing really nice cloths (block dress shirt and pants, purple suspenders, tie, and pocket square), and he has my parents and his dad behind him. Of course I knew by now what was up and turned bright red as he walked in to put a song on the radio. We did night club two step to She's Everything by Brad Paisley, and when the music stopped playing he pulled out the ring. He started to ask me to marry him and my mom had to remind him to get down on one knee. He told me this was a place where we had a lot of firsts; we first met there just over 2 years ago, first held hands, he asked me out for the first time, and hopefully we can have more firsts there in the future. I said yes of course and he had to finish saying everything he wanted when we got home because he was crying. After he got the ring on my finger we danced west coast swing to our song which is All I Wanna Do by Sugarland.  Later on he told me that he had planned this the night before so he dropped off his fancy cloths to his locker before his class that morning. After we worked out he insisted that we chose a song to be our song since we never really set one before. I didn't even catch on when I told him I was sick of trying to pick a song and he told me that we had to keep going till we found one before he had to go back to class. The whole day he was so happy and giddy especially after we decided on All I Wanna Do as our song. We are planning on getting married on 11/11/11, but that date is not yet set in stone. 
The ring I'm going to try to get a better picture, he let me pick this out about a week before he proposed. He couldn't stop looking at in and wishing he could just put it on me the moment he bought it.

After the first song finished playing.

Him asking my parents permission to marry me.